Design of Efficient and Secure IoT Architectures for Connected Health
The Internet has revolutionized the way we live, learn, communicate and the way we do our business. Internet of things (IoT) technology stands to have an equally important impact with an economic benefit of $6.2 trillion by 2025. IoT will allow physical objects such as sensors, health monitors, to be connected together allowing vehicles, buildings, medical devices and humans to talk to each other. In this tutorial, Prof. Amira will present some design techniques for the implementation of efficient and secure IoT architectures which can be deployed in connected health applications. He will give an overview about security issues in IoT platforms, which is vital when we begin to transmit and process personal medical data and security data in connected health environments. There will be more focus on security challenges in reconfigurable hardware and multicore platforms and their deployment for the implementation of real-time secure data transmission algorithms, including ECG encryption and biometric, face and emotion recognition and power analysis of security and compressive sensing algorithms on SoC and multicore platforms. In addition, there will be focus on empowering performance through compressive sensing in IoT based architectures. In this tutorial, Prof. Amira will give an overview about his current and previous projects in the areas of connected health, IoT, medical imaging and multicore platforms based IoT computing edge devices.
The Internet has revolutionized the way we live, learn, communicate and the way we do our business. Internet of things (IoT) technology stands to have an equally important impact with an economic benefit of $6.2 trillion by 2025. IoT will allow physical objects such as sensors, health monitors, to be connected together allowing vehicles, buildings, medical devices and humans to talk to each other. In this tutorial, Prof. Amira will present some design techniques for the implementation of efficient and secure IoT architectures which can be deployed in connected health applications. He will give an overview about security issues in IoT platforms, which is vital when we begin to transmit and process personal medical data and security data in connected health environments. There will be more focus on security challenges in reconfigurable hardware and multicore platforms and their deployment for the implementation of real-time secure data transmission algorithms, including ECG encryption and biometric, face and emotion recognition and power analysis of security and compressive sensing algorithms on SoC and multicore platforms. In addition, there will be focus on empowering performance through compressive sensing in IoT based architectures. In this tutorial, Prof. Amira will give an overview about his current and previous projects in the areas of connected health, IoT, medical imaging and multicore platforms based IoT computing edge devices.
History, Motivation and Focus
This tutorial is designed for those with prior experience in signal processing, sensors and computer architecture. The participants will learn the design, implementation and evaluation techniques and tools, signal processing algorithms with applications to connected health and biomedical engineering, SoC, reconfigurable computing and multicore platforms. The tutorial will start with an introduction to IoT defining different concepts and architectures together with the algorithms and applications developed in IoT environments. There will be more focus on the technologies, programming tools, challenges and practical issues encountered when designing and implementing IoT based multicore architectures. The selected platforms for demonstration will include the Zynq multicore reconfigurable SoC and the ODRIOD- XU4 platforms. The main challenges to be addressed include real-time performance, security and energy efficiency, investigated within the implementation context of connected health applications such as ECG monitoring and biometric, fall detection, compressive sensing and encryption.
This tutorial is designed for those with prior experience in signal processing, sensors and computer architecture. The participants will learn the design, implementation and evaluation techniques and tools, signal processing algorithms with applications to connected health and biomedical engineering, SoC, reconfigurable computing and multicore platforms. The tutorial will start with an introduction to IoT defining different concepts and architectures together with the algorithms and applications developed in IoT environments. There will be more focus on the technologies, programming tools, challenges and practical issues encountered when designing and implementing IoT based multicore architectures. The selected platforms for demonstration will include the Zynq multicore reconfigurable SoC and the ODRIOD- XU4 platforms. The main challenges to be addressed include real-time performance, security and energy efficiency, investigated within the implementation context of connected health applications such as ECG monitoring and biometric, fall detection, compressive sensing and encryption.
• Prof. Abbes Amira, Qatar University
Basic Structure of the Tutorial
• Prof. Abbes Amira, Qatar University
Basic Structure of the Tutorial
- Introduction to IoT
- Concepts and Architectures
- Algorithms and Applications
- IoT based Multicore Architectures
- Technologies
- Programming Tools
- Challenges and practical issues: Real-time performance, security and energy efficiency
- Applications to connect health
- ECG monitoring and biometric
- Fall detection
- Compressive sensing and encryption
- Conclusions, Q&A
- H Baali, H Djelouat, A Amira, F Bensaali “Empowering Technology Enabled Care Using IoT and Smart Devices: A Review” IEEE Sensors Journal, volume 18, issue 5, 1790 – 1809, March 2018.
- H Baali, X Zhai, H Djelouat, A Amira, F Bensaali “Inequality Indexes as Sparsity Measures Applied to Ventricular Ectopic Beats Detection and its Efficient Hardware Implementation”, IEEE Access, Volume 6, pp 9464-9472, 2018.
- A. Alzu'bi, A. Amira, N. Ramzan “Content-based image retrieval with compact deep convolutional features” Neurocomputing (Elsevier), 249, pp 95-105, 2017.
- Hamza Djelouat, Hamza Baali, Abbes Amira, Faycal Bensaali, “An Adaptive Joint Sparsity Recovery for Compressive Sensing Based EEG System” Journal of Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Article ID 9823684, 2017.
- Raid Alzubi; Naeem Ramzan; Hadeel Alzoubi; Abbes Amira “A Hybrid Feature Selection Method for Complex Diseases SNPs”, IEEE Access, pp 1292 – 1301, Vol 6,
- Djelouat, H.; Ait Si Ali, A.; Amira, A.; Bensaali, F., "Compressive Sensing based Electronic Nose Platform," Elsevier Digital Signal Processing, VOL 60, pp 350-359 January, 2017.
- A Ahmad, A Muharam, A Amira “GPU-based implementation of CABAC for 3-Dimensional Medical Image Compression” Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering (JTEC), Vol 9, Issue 3-8, PP45-50, 2017.
- Ait Si Ali, A., Djelouat, H., Amira, A., Bensaali, F., Benammar, M. A., Bermak, A. “Electronic nose system on the Zynq SoC platform” Microprocessors and Microsystems, 53, 145-156, 2017.
- Dali, M., Guessoum, A., Gibson, R. M., Amira, A., Ramzan, N. “ Efficient FPGA implementation of high-throughput mixed radix multipath delay commutator FFT processor for MIMO-OFDM” Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering, 17(1), 27-38, 2017.
- Al Disi, M., Alsalemi, A., Alhomsi, Y., Bensaali, F., Amira, A., Alinier, G. “Revolutionizing ECMO simulation with affordable yet high-Fidelity technology” American Journal of Emergency Medicine (Elsevier), In press.
- Djelouat, H., Ait Si Ali, A., Amira, A., Bensaali, F. “An interactive software tool for gas identification” Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering (Elsevier), Volume 55, Pages 612-624, July 2018.
- M Aldisi, A Alsalemi, Y Alhomsi, I Ahmed, F Bensaali, G Alinier, A Amira “Design and implementation of a modular ECMO simulator”, Qatar Medical Journal, HBKU press, page 62, 2017.
- Zhai, X.; Ait Si Ali, A.; Amira, A.; Bensaali, F., "ECG Encryption and Identification based Security Solution on the Zynq SoC for Connected Health Systems," Elsevier Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Volume 106, August 2017.
- A.Alsalemi, M.Aldisi, Y.Alhomsi, I.Ahmed, F.Bensaali, G.Alinier, A.Amira “Using thermochromic ink for medical simulations”, Qatar Medical Journal, HBKU press, page 63, 2017.
- R. Gibson, A. Amira, N. Ramzan, P. Casasesca, Z. Pervez, "Matching Pursuit-Based Compressive Sensing in a Wearable Biomedical Accelerometer Fall Diagnosis Device", Elsevier Biomedical Signal Processing and Control Journal, Vol 33, pp 96-108, March 2017.
- Zhai, X.; Ait Si Ali, A.; Amira, A.; Bensaali, F., " MLP Neural Network based Gas Classification System on Zynq SoC," IEEE Access, Vol 4, pp 8138 - 8146 October, 2016.
- A. Alzu’bi, A. Amira, N. Ramzan, T. Jaber “Improving content-based image retrieval with compact global and local multi-features” International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval (Springer). pp 1-17, October 2016.
- Akbar, M. A.; Ait Si Ali, A.; Amira, A.; Bensaali, F.; Benammar, M.; Hassan, M.; Bermak, A.; “An Empirical Study for PCA and LDA Based Feature Reduction for Gas Identification,” IEEE Sensors Journal, VOL. 16, NO. 14, JULY 15, 2016.
- N. Almaadeed, A. Aggoun, A.Amira “Text-Independent Speaker Identification Using Vowel Formants” Journal of Signal Processing Systems, pp 345–356 Volume 82, Issue 3, March 2016.
- R. Gibson, A. Amira, N. Ramzan, P. Casasesca, Z. Pervez, “Multiple Comparator Classifier Framework for Accelerometer-Based Fall Detection and Diagnostic”, Elsevier Applied Soft Computing, Vol 39, February 2016.
- A. Alzubi, A. Amira, and N. Ramzan, “Semantic Content-Based Image Retrieval: A Comprehensive Study”, Elsevier Journal of Visual Comm. and Image Representation, Vol. 32, pp. 20–54, Oct. 2015.
- M. A. Akbar, A. Ait Si Ali, M. Zgaren, A. Amira, F. Bensaali, M. Benammar, M. Sawan, A. Bermak, "Receiver Design of Passive UHF RFID Sensor Platform for Gas Identification,” Sensors & Transducers Journal, vol. 194. Issue 11, pp.42-53, November 2015.
- Ait Si Ali, X. Zhai, A. Amira, F. Bensaali and N. Ramzan, “Enhanced Biometric Security and Privacy using ECG on the Zynq SoC” Biometric Security and Privacy – Opportunities & Challenges in The Big Data Era, Published by Springer International Publishing, pp 179-202, 2017.
- H. Djelouat, H. Baali, A. Amira, F. Bensaali; “Joint Sparsity Recovery for Compressive Sensing Based EEG”, 17th IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Wireless Broadband, Spain, September 2017.
- H. Baali, X. Zhai, H. Djelouat, A. Amira and F. Bensaali, “Efficient Hardware Implementation of the l_1-Regularized Least Squares for IoT Edge Computing”, 17th IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Wireless Broadband, Spain, September 2017.
- C. Kotronis, G. Minou, G. Dimitrakopoulos, M. Nikolaidou, D. Anagnostopoulos, A. Amira, F. Bensaali, H. Djelouat and H. Baali, “Managing Criticalities of e-Health IoT Systems”, 17th IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Wireless Broadband, Spain, September 2017.
- H. Djelouat, H. Baali, A. Amira, F. Bensaali, “IoT Based Compressive Sensing for ECG Monitoring”, 2nd International Symposium on Real-time Data Processing for Cloud Computing. In conjunction with the 10th IEEE International Conference on Cyber, Physical, and Social Computing, Exeter, UK, June 2017.
- H. Baali, H. Djelouat, A. Amira, F. Bensaali,” QRS Complexes Classification using Dictionary Learning and Pietra Index,” 2nd International Symposium on Real-time Data Processing for Cloud Computing. In conjunction with the 10th IEEE International Conference on Cyber, Physical, and Social Computing, Exeter, UK, June 2017.
- H. Djelouat, H. Baali, A. Amira, F. Bensaali; “CS-Based Fall Detection Platform for Connected Health Applications”, 4th International Conference On Advances in Biomedical Engineering, Lebanon, October 2017.
- H. Djelouat, H. Baali, A. Amira, F. Bensaali; “CS-Based Fall Detection Platform for Connected Health Applications”, 4th International Conference On Advances in Biomedical Engineering, Lebanon, October 2017.
- GA Abdullah Alsalemi, Mohammed Al Disi, Ibrahim Ahmed, Yahya Alhomsi, F. Bensaali, A. Amira “Developing Cost -Effective Simulators for Patient Management: A Modular Approach”, 4th International Conference On Advances in Biomedical Engineering, Lebanon, October 2017.
- A Ahmad, MF Roslan, A Amira “Throughput, latency and cost comparisons of microcontroller-based implementations of wireless sensor network (WSN) in high jump sports” AIP Conference Proceedings, 2017.
- H. Alzoubi; N. Ramzan; H. Shahriar; R. Alzubi; R. Gibson, A. Amira “Optimization and evaluation of the human fall detection system” Proc. SPIE 10008, Remote Sensing Technologies and Applications in Urban Environments, 1000816, October 26, 2016.
- L. Müller, S. Zagaria, A.Bernin, A. Amira, N. Ramzan, C. Grecos, F. Vogt, “EmotionBike: A Study of Provoking Emotions in Cycling Exergames”, ICEC Entertainment Computing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Published by Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, Oct. 2015.
- Ait Si Ali, A.; Amira, A.; Bensaali, F.; Benammar, M.; Hassan, M.; Bermak, A., “Versatile Gas Monitoring System on the Heterogeneous Zynq SoC Platform,” Operational Excellence, Proceedings of the 4th International Gas Processing Symposium, 1st Edition, Elsevier Science Limited, 2014.
- L. Zhang, P. Mudge, A. Amira, W. Balachandran “Improved Performance of Guided Wave Ultrasonic Testing for Long Rang Inspection of Pipelines using Multi-Channel Systems” Proceedings of the 3rd International Gas Processing Symposium, March 5 – 7, 2012, Doha, Qatar.
- A. Amira, N. Ramzan, C. Grecos, Q. Wang, P. Casaseca, Z. Pervez, X. Wang and C. Luo “A Reconfigurable Supporting Connected Health Environment for People with Chronic diseases” book chapter (Chapter 17- page 332, Healthcare Informatics and Analytics: Emerging Issues and Trends" IGI Global 2014.
- R.M. Jiang, A. Bouridane, A. Amira “Color Saliency Evaluation for Video Game Design”, book chapter in “Advances in Low-Level Color Image Processing”, pp 409-425, Springer Verlag, 2014.
- Q. Wang, J. Nightingale, R. Wang, N. Ramzan, C. Grecos, X. Wang, A. Amira and C. Luo“Mobile Video Cloud Networks”, book chapter in Mobile Computing over Cloud: Technologies, Services, and Applications, (ISBN13: 9781466647817), IGI Global, USA, Nov, pp. 157-182, 2013.
Prof. Abbes Amira received his Ph.D. in Computer Engineering in 2001 from Queen’s University Belfast, United Kingdom. Since then, he has taken many academic and consultancy positions in the United Kingdom, Europe, Asia and the Middleast. He is currently the associate Dean for research and graduate studies in the College of Engineering at Qatar University. In the United Kingdom, he has taken academic and leadership positions at Queen’s University Belfast, Brunel University London, University of Ulster and University of the West of Scotland. During his career to date, Prof. Amira has been successful in securing substantial funding from government agencies and industry; he has supervised more than 20 PhD students and has over 300 publications in top journals and conferences in the area of embedded systems, IoT, image and signal processing. He has been invited to give keynote talks, short courses and tutorials at many universities and international conferences and has been chair and program committee for a number of IEEE conferences including; tutorial and invited talks at the prestigious ICIP 2009, ICCV – ECVW 2009, ISSPA 2012, ISSPIT 2015. He was the General Co-Chair of ECVW 2011, Program Chair of ECVW2010, Program Co-Chair of ICM12, DELTA 2008, IMVIP 2005 and General Co-Chair of ICM 2014. He is also a member of the IEEE Technical Committee for Biomedical Circuits and systems. He obtained many international awards, including the 2008 VARIAN prize offered by the Swiss Society of Radiobiology and Medical Physics, CAST award, DELL-EM Envision the future, and many best paper and recognition awards in international conferences and events. Prof. Amira has been a PhD external examiner and member of advisory boards for many Universities worldwide and has participated as guest editor and member of the editorial board in many international journals including recent issues in IEEE IoT Journal and Elsevier Pattern Recognition. He has also been a regular referee for many national and international funding bodies, including (EPSRC-UK and QNRF-Qatar). He has taken visiting professor positions at the University of Tun Hussein Onn, Malaysia and the University of Nancy, Henri Poincare, France. Prof. Amira is a Fellow of IET, Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, Senior member of the IEEE, and Senior member of ACM. His research interests include: Embedded systems, high performance computing, Big Data and IoT, Connected Health, Image and Vision Systems, Biometric and Security